PriMoThemes — now s2Member® (official notice)
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Is it possible to modify the PayPal® and/or Authorize.Net® Pro Form templates?
Usually not necessary. But yes, if you really need to. Please check your /s2member-pro/includes/templates/forms/ directory. You can take the default templates, and place some ( or all of them ) into your own WordPress® theme directory. s2Member Pro will automatically find your custom templates there. By placing custom templates into your theme directory, you can be sure they won't get overwritten in a future upgrade. Either that, or you can just use the default templates like they are, and customize them with your own CSS rules inside the Stylesheet for your WordPress® theme ( i.e. style.css ). If you're using a PriMo Theme ( for instance, the s2Clean Theme ), check your Theme Options Panel, under: Custom CSS / Style Sheet.
template="" 100% optional. This can be a custom template file that exists inside your WordPress® theme directory. For example: template="checkout.html".
<span>First Name *</span><br />
<input aria-required="true" type="text" maxlength="100" name="s2member_pro_paypal_registration[first_name]" id="s2member-pro-paypal-registration-first-name" class="s2member-pro-paypal-first-name s2member-pro-paypal-registration-first-name" value="%%first_name_value%%" tabindex="10" />
First Name *
<input aria-required="true" type="text" maxlength="100" name="s2member_pro_paypal_registration[first_name]" id="s2member-pro-paypal-registration-first-name" class="s2member-pro-paypal-first-name s2member-pro-paypal-registration-first-name" value="%%first_name_value%%" tabindex="10" />
First Name *
<input id="s2member-pro-paypal-registration-first-name" class="s2member-pro-paypal-first-name s2member-pro-paypal-registration-first-name" type="text" tabindex="10" value="" name="s2member_pro_paypal_registration[first_name]" maxlength="100" aria-required="true">
BobTabor wrote:Awesome ... followup question: reCaptcha. It seems to be controlled outside of the paypal-registration-form.html template and I want to style / redo its title, etc. I looked through the other folders for a file that contained the word "recaptcha" but nothing jumped out at me. Could you point me in the right direction?
captcha="clean" When you set this Attribute, visitors must prove they're human by typing a captcha/security code. Possible values: 0 = do NOT require a captcha code on this Form; clean = DO require a captcha code on this Form; using the clean theme style. Possible theme styles include: red, white, clean, and blackglass. This service is powered by Google's reCaptcha system.
<?php echo c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_captchas::recaptcha_script_tag ("clean", 300); ?>
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