It is great to have content which can only be accessed by specific users while those that don't have access are redirected to the options page where they can gain access but I have some content which needs to be really easy to access by authoized users and not visible to others.
So while I am still only scratching the surface of what s2 can do, and am also pretty limited in my php capability, by searching out various code bits I have put together a way to hide menu items based on their s2 member level.
In my case the theme I am using has two registered menus, a full "main menu" bar with drop downs and a simple "top menu" line of a few items which is the one I am modifying.
The basic idea is if the menu is the one we want and the user has the correct s2 level we add the extra links (I also add login/register), otherwise we just show the menu items which are added on the appearance page and I also add the log out link.
To determine what menus you actually have registered, look for his function: register_nav_menus in functions.php
This is what mine looks like:
- Code: Select all
'main-menu' => __( 'Main Menu' ),
'top-menu' => __( 'Top Menu' )
This is the code to modify the menu which I have at the bottom of functions.php.
Note that the class="home" is actually a carry over from the original code which I didn't bother removing.
- Code: Select all
// Filter wp_nav_menu() to add links or text
function new_nav_menu_items($items,$args)
if( $args->theme_location == 'top-menu' ) //if we have the top menu which is the registered menu name in my theme
if (is_user_logged_in())
if (current_user_can("access_s2member_level2")) // content for Members who are logged in with an s2Member Level >= 2.
$homelink2 = '<li class="home"><a href="" >The link name</a></li>'.'<li class="home"><a href="" >The link name</a></li>'.;
$items = $homelink2 . $items;
$homelink = '<li class="home"><a href="" >Logout</a></li>'.'<li class="home"><a href="" >My Profile</a></li>';
$items = $homelink . $items;
$homelink = '<li class="home"><a href="" >Login/register</a></li>';
$items = $homelink . $items;
return $items;
add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'new_nav_menu_items',10,2);
Perhaps there is a better way to do this and I would be especially interested in a way to inject these changes into the middle of a main menu bar with drop downs, etc. so the links could be added as sub menu items.
The only idea I have at the moment is a string function which finds specific text and rebuilds the string with the new items inserted but I have not yet tried to figure it out.
I hope it helps someone.