Yes, s2Member Pro supports Clickbank's recurring billing (e.g. monthly).
WP Admin -> s2Member -> ClickBank ButtonsYes, access to the content can be removed if they cancel.
WP Admin -> s2Member -> ClickBank Options -> Automatic EOT BehaviorEOT = End Of Term. By default, s2Member will demote a paid Member to a Free Subscriber whenever their Subscription term has ended ( i.e. expired ), been cancelled, refunded, charged back to you, etc. s2Member demotes them to a Free Subscriber, so they will no longer have Member Level Access to your site. However, in some cases, you may prefer to have Customer accounts deleted completely, instead of just being demoted. This is where you choose which method works best for your site. If you don't want s2Member to take ANY action at all, you can disable s2Member's EOT System temporarily, or even completely.
The ClickBank® IPN service will notify s2Member whenever a refund or chargeback occurs. For example, if you issue a refund to an unhappy Customer through ClickBank®, s2Member will eventually be notified, and the account for that Customer will either be demoted to a Free Subscriber, or deleted automatically ( based on your configuration ). ~ Otherwise, under normal circumstances, s2Member will not process an EOT until the User has completely used up the time they paid for.
I hope that helps.