Ordinarily, if you were going to integrate with a 3rd-party tool like Google's Doc Viewer, you would integrate your protected file with "Advanced Download Restrictions" ( i.e. using a Download Key ), as is discussed in your Dashboard, under:
s2Member -> File Downloads -> Advanced Download Restrictions.
For example, this should work:- Code: Select all
http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=<?php echo urlencode(site_url("/?s2member_file_download_key=".s2member_file_download_key("/file.doc")."&s2member_file_download=/file.doc")); ?>
However, upon testing this specifically with the Google Doc Viewer, it does not work. I suspect this has something to do with limitations in the Google Doc Viewer though, because this technique has been confirmed to work with a variety of other services. If anyone figures out how to make this work with Google Doc Viewer, please share