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[s2Member-PayPal-Button ... ns="2" /]
ns="1" The no_shipping directive. Possible values: 0 = prompt for an address, but do not require one, 1 = do not prompt for a shipping address, 2 = prompt for an address, and require one. Not valid when cancel="1".
Usually not necessary. But yes, if you really need to. Please check your /s2member-pro/includes/templates/forms/ directory. You can take the default templates, and place some ( or all of them ) into your own WordPress® theme directory. s2Member Pro will automatically find your custom templates there. By placing custom templates into your theme directory, you can be sure they won't get overwritten in a future upgrade. Either that, or you can just use the default templates like they are, and customize them with your own CSS rules inside the Stylesheet for your WordPress® theme ( i.e. style.css ). If you're using a PriMo Theme ( for instance, the s2Clean Theme ), check your Theme Options Panel, under: Custom CSS / Style Sheet.
I'm sorry. No, the current release of s2Member Pro does not make that possible. It would be particularly difficult to set that up with Custom Fields, but I'll keep this thread on our list and see if there is something we can do in a future release.jumptwist wrote:Hi, I'm using s2member PRO with custom registration forms. I need to get the customer's address at registration. I tried the ns="2" but that is not working. When I go to Paypal there is no address information there.
I'm using custom fields for address information but that is a little frustrating for the customer. They have to enter the address twice (shipping and billing).
Is there a way to pass the address information to Paypal?
Thanks for your help.
Jason Caldwell wrote:Thanks for the excellent question.
Yes, this is now possible in s2Member v3.2.4+.
However, as you've stated, it's not done "right out of the box"
because s2Member is a membership system first and foremost.
Specific Post/Page Access ( "Buy Now" with shipping required ).
Step #1: Build a Post or Page that contains a "Thank You" message to the Customer, and protect that special Post/Page using s2Member's "Specific Post/Page Access" restrictions.
( see: s2Member -> General Options -> Specific Post/Page Access )
Step #2: Generate a PayPal Button Code for "Specific Post/Page Access".
( see: s2Member -> PayPal Buttons -> Specific Post/Page Buttons )
( select your "Thank You" page from the drop-down menu there. )
( in other words, you're selling access to that specific page )
Step #3: In the Shortcode that is generated by s2Member, make this change:Setting ns="2" will force the Customer to enter a shipping address during checkout, and it also enables shipping details via IPN responses that are received by s2Member.
- Code: Select all
[s2Member-PayPal-Button ... ns="2" /]
Excerpt from the Changelog ( v3.2.4 ):
-- New Shortcode Attribute. s2Member now accepts another PayPal® Button Shortcode attribute ( ns="1" ) is s2Member's default setting. This controls the `no_shipping` variable in your PayPal® Button.
`0` – to prompt for a shipping address, but NOT require one ( enables shipping details via IPN ).
`1` – to NEVER prompt for a shipping address ( this is the default for s2Member ).
`2` – to prompt for a shipping address, AND require one ( enables shipping details via IPN ).
Well, with s2Member Pro installed, a new Shortcode Attribute for PayPal Buttons becomes possible ( success="" ), allowing you to redirect a Customer to a customized Thank-You and/or Upsell page after checkout is completed. Of course, that's just one of many things introduced by s2Member Pro, but it sounds like that's what you're looking for. See: question: how can I program the Paypal button so, that after purchase of Level#2 product I can redirect them to purchase the Shipping/Download?
Jason Caldwell wrote:Thanks for your inquiry, for the KUDOS!Well, with s2Member Pro installed, a new Shortcode Attribute for PayPal Buttons becomes possible ( success="" ), allowing you to redirect a Customer to a customized Thank-You and/or Upsell page after checkout is completed. Of course, that's just one of many things introduced by s2Member Pro, but it sounds like that's what you're looking for. See: question: how can I program the Paypal button so, that after purchase of Level#2 product I can redirect them to purchase the Shipping/Download?
That would allow you to offer a Customer any number of purchases, all chained together. And since s2Member handles post-transaction processing behind-the-scene, your custom success="http://..." can have pretty much anything you want on it, since s2Member automatically sends the Customer a Confirmation email after checkout anyway.
In addition, s2Member Pro also makes it possible to introduce One-Time-Offers upon login.
Jason Caldwell wrote:Hey, I fully agree! Great site too, very nice
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