I've just purchased s2member + pro, awesome plugin.
A few questions and observations which conflict with the faq's and I'd appreciate any help

On this page it says Step #2. In the Shortcodes provided by s2Member Pro... change this: accept_via_paypal="paypal" to this instead: accept_via_paypal="paypal,visa,mastercard,amex,discover,maestro,solo".
I did that and the other card symbols remain, but greyed out, how do I get rid of these?
Also, it has accept= and accept_via_paypal=. Do I delete accept=xxxxx
2. You say that we will need an SSL certificate if using Pro forms, in order to comply with Paypal. Am I correct in thinking we don;t need to use SSL if we make the above change so that we are not accepting card numbers directly on our website?
3. You say"PayPal® Express Checkout is intended to facilitate payments for PayPal® account owners and/or Customers willing to signup for PayPal® during checkout. It is NOT possible for a Customer to go through PayPal® Express Checkout without having and/or acquiring a PayPal® account,"
In my Paypal account it asks if I want to make an account optional. I set that to yes and it allows the customer to either enter their card details or sign into their account. Therefore the above statement is no longer true. Or am I doing something wrong?
4. How can I change the page for "change password" and "log out" so they remain on the website and don;t go to the standard wordpress page (where it loses the page templates)
Many thanks!