Thanks again damron, much appreciated.
I think I may have found the issue after delving into the code of every javascript file on the site. By default, my installation of Wordpress automatically includes JQuery 1.6.1. However, one of the js files of the Yoxview plugin
also includes another copy of the 1.6.1 JQuery library.
The code for the js file is written below, with the offending JQuery include being:
LoadScript("");- Code: Select all
var yoxviewPath = getYoxviewPath();
var cssLink = top.document.createElement("link");
cssLink.setAttribute("rel", "Stylesheet");
cssLink.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
cssLink.setAttribute("href", yoxviewPath + "yoxview.css");
function LoadScript(url)
document.write( '<scr' + 'ipt type="text/javascript" src="' + url + '"><\/scr' + 'ipt>' ) ;
var jQueryIsLoaded = typeof jQuery != "undefined";
if (!jQueryIsLoaded)
LoadScript(yoxviewPath + "jquery.yoxview-2.21.min.js");
function getYoxviewPath()
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
var regex = /(.*\/)yoxview-init/i;
for(var i=0; i<scripts.length; i++)
var currentScriptSrc = scripts[i].src;
if (currentScriptSrc.match(regex))
return currentScriptSrc.match(regex)[1];
return null;
// Remove the next line's comment to apply yoxview without knowing jQuery to all containers with class 'yoxview':
//LoadScript(yoxviewPath + "yoxview-nojquery.js");
I'm not too experienced when it comes to editing js files, so does anybody have an idea how I can safely remove this inclusion of the JQuery library without breaking anything? I have tried simply commenting out the offending line of code, but this did not work.
I know this isn't necessarily an s2Member issue, but any help here would be appreciated!