When I apply a coupon code of 50%, on the green notification bar it's stating 'Coupon applied. £50% off.' How do I remove the currency as it shouldn't be there - it's a percentage.
PriMoThemes — now s2Member® (official notice)
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$response = '<div>Coupon applied. <strong>' . $cs . number_format ($coupon["percentage"], 0) . '% off</strong>. ( New ' . $tr . ': <strong>' . $cs . $ra . $tx . '</strong> )</div>';
$desc = 'COUPON ' . $cs . number_format ($coupon["percentage"], 0) . '% off. ( New ' . $tr . ': ' . $cs . $ra . $tx . ' )';
$response = '<div>Coupon applied. <strong>' . number_format ($coupon["percentage"], 0) . '% off</strong>. ( New ' . $tr . ': <strong>' . $cs . $ra . $tx . '</strong> )</div>';
$desc = 'COUPON ' . number_format ($coupon["percentage"], 0) . '% off. ( New ' . $tr . ': ' . $cs . $ra . $tx . ' )';
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