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Create a Cancel Subscription button

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Create a Cancel Subscription button

Postby tech-mentor » October 14th, 2010, 10:20 pm

I am using the s2Member Pro version but I dont use the Pro version of PayPal, only the Enhanced Recurring Payment.

I want to create a Cancel button for my members and I am not sure I understand something. With the ERP enabled with PayPal, members do not have to create a PayPal account, so how can they cancel their subscription?

Also, I want to create a button to let them either upgrade or downgrade their annual subscription. If a member decide in the middle of their subscription to upgrade from level 1 (20$) to level 2 (25$) how much money will they be charged extra and when? What about the other way around downgrading from level 2 to level 1? Are they going to get a refund?

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Re: Create a Cancel Subscription button

Postby Jason Caldwell » October 23rd, 2010, 1:50 am

Hi there. Thanks for the excellent question.
I want to create a Cancel button for my members and I am not sure I understand something. With the ERP enabled with PayPal, members do not have to create a PayPal account, so how can they cancel their subscription?

PayPal's Enhanced Recurring Billing service is still very new, and it seems they did not account for this whenever the service was initially created. We have a support ticket into PayPal on this matter, and a feature request has been submitted. You can follow along here for further details:
Code: Select all
PayPal says: The buyer will need to contact the merchant to cancel the profile if was created without a PayPal account or they can login to their account (if it was created with one) to cancel the profile.

Also, I want to create a button to let them either upgrade or downgrade their annual subscription. If a member decide in the middle of their subscription to upgrade from level 1 (20$) to level 2 (25$) how much money will they be charged extra and when?
If you're using the free version of s2Member, this is handled by PayPal during the Subscription modification process. The PayPal Subscription modification process only modifies the next payment and period. PayPal does not do any pro-rating.

What about the other way around downgrading from level 2 to level 1? Are they going to get a refund?
No. The PayPal Subscription modification process only modifies the next payment and period. PayPal does not do any pro-rating; nor does it process any refunds during a Subscription modification.
~ Jason Caldwell / Lead Developer
& Zeitgeist Movie Advocate:

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Re: Create a Cancel Subscription button

Postby tech-mentor » October 24th, 2010, 7:40 pm

Thanks for the answers. It's more clear now. I will monitor the feature request.

Have a great day|

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