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floriana wrote:Hi,
I tried to install the plugin both from Wordpress and with the download from your site. Every time I activated the plugin I got this:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_salt() in /.../wp-content/plugins/s2member/includes/functions/ on line 203
Even more, after the activation all what I'm getting of my blog and administration is the error page, like it blocks my access to everything else. I can access my blog only after I delete the plugin.
Can you please, help me with this and tell me what I should do with that wp_salt error? Your help would be greatly appreciated... I could really use the plugin.
Thank you!
Jason Caldwell wrote:Yea, sounds like another plugin is triggering a PHP error prior to the s2Member files being loaded. So even though the error is indicating a problem with s2Member, it is actually caused by the absence of the wp_salt function, which is already built into WordPress® ( wp_salt is not a part of s2Member ). s2Member just relies on this function that is part of the WordPress® core.
The wp_salt function is inside: /wp-includes/pluggable.php. So make sure that your installation of WordPress is not missing that file. If all else fails, I would try re-installing WordPress®.
Jason Caldwell wrote:Do you have the Maintenance Mode plugin installed perhaps?
-- I've seen a few really poorly written plugins out there that try to include "pluggable.php", and it totally screws up all kinds of things. Maintenance Mode is one of those. Now, there are two of these plugins:
1. Maintenance Mode ( bad )
2. WP Maintenance Mode ( good )
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