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Short Code Restrictions

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Short Code Restrictions

Postby scott74 » October 8th, 2011, 8:56 pm

I can't seem to find the short code for Restrictions.. so you can have a few different things on the same page and block items depending on what level the user is logged in at..

something like
[s2level1] content goes here [/s2level1]

[s2level2] ect......

can you do this or is there a link with code.... I am starting a membership site and have custom dashboard panels for different levels of membership and this would be the only way i would know to block that content in the dashboard..

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Re: Short Code Restrictions

Postby Eduan » October 8th, 2011, 9:10 pm

You can find what you want under WP Admin -> s2Member -> API / Scripting -> Simple/Shortcode Conditionals. In there you'll find the code you want.

Under WP Admin -> s2Member -> API / Scripting -> Advanced/PHP Conditionals you'll find something a little more advanced. In there you'll find the code you want.

Hope this helps :) .
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