timjcarter wrote:Is Paydotcom integration going to happen?
I believe it *might* be possible to integrate PayDotCom with s2Member's PayPal IPN Processor, using the Proxy Key provided by s2Member. Please check your Dashboard under: s2Member -> PayPal Options -> PayPal IPN Integration -> Proxy Key. In the latest release of s2Member v3.5.2+ we've improved the documentation regarding this feature.
WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal Options -> PayPal IPN Integration -> IPN w/ Proxy Key
IPN w/ Proxy Key ( optional, for 3rd-party integrations )
If you're using a 3rd-party application that needs to POST simulated IPN transactions to your s2Member installation, you can use this alternate IPN URL, which includes a Proxy Key. This encrypted Proxy Key verifies incoming data being received by s2Member's IPN processor. You can change [proxy-gateway] to whatever you like. The [proxy-gateway] value is required. It will be stored by s2Member as the Customer's Paid Subscr. Gateway. Your [proxy-gateway] value will also be reflected in s2Member's IPN log.
Any 3rd-party application that is sending IPN transactions to your s2Member installation, must ALWAYS include the custom POST variable, and that variable must always start with your installation domain ( i.e. custom=yoursite.com ). In addition, the item_number variable, must always match a format that s2Member looks for. Generally speaking, the item_number should be 1, 2, 3, or 4, indicating a specific s2Member Level #. However, s2Member also uses some advanced formats in this field. Just to be sure, we suggest creating a PayPal® Button with the s2Member Button Generator, and then taking a look at the Full Button Code to see how s2Member expects item_number to be formatted. Other than the aforementioned exceptions; all other POST variables should follow PayPal® standards. Please see: PayPal's IPN/PDT reference guide for full documentation.
All of that being said; I'm sorry, but s2Member is NOT yet tested or officially compatible with PayDotCom. There are plans to integrate this and eJunkie in the future though.