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HELP!!! Membership Levels when Customer Pays HELP!!!!!

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

HELP!!! Membership Levels when Customer Pays HELP!!!!!

Postby tommybahama » October 13th, 2011, 7:45 pm

OK so here's my problem: a customer logs on to my site. They register, buy a package or item... After the payment is made, why doesn't the system automatically add that customer to that level?

As of right now, I have to log in and manually set the level 1-4....

I'm using PRO. Thanks.
Last edited by tommybahama on October 18th, 2011, 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Membership Levels when Customer Pays

Postby Eduan » October 14th, 2011, 4:47 pm

¿Are they buying level 1-4 or are they buying a product?
Now officially accepting Professional s2Member installations along with Bruce C (a.k.a. Ace).

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Re: Membership Levels when Customer Pays

Postby tommybahama » October 14th, 2011, 4:54 pm

They are buying each level 1 and level 2 and so on....
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Re: Membership Levels when Customer Pays

Postby tommybahama » October 18th, 2011, 10:16 am

Can someone please help? This is becoming a major issue. Thanks...
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