I have to imagine that this answer can be found elsewhere, but I'll be darned if I can find it.
I see that there is an option to enter Specific Post/Page ~ Sale Notification URLs, and then below that an option for:
Send An Email Transaction Log Of This Event?
What I would like to know is, if I enter an email address there, what information would be sent to that address and in what circumstance?
Does it send an email anytime there is a specific post/page purchase? Does it send all information sent back by PayPal IPN or a subset of that?
The reason I ask is because I want to setup some specific post/page purchase options which would result in a PHYSICAL product sale. I read earlier about how to require shipping information to be entered for the purchase, and then simply having the "thank you" page be the protected page for that sale.
That sounds great. However, I have a fulfillment company that does all my shipping and it would be nice to have those sales forwarded directly to them. What I DON'T want, though, is for ALL purchases of any specific post/page to go to them because some of them are not physical products to be shipped. Some really are just for access to whatever content is on that page.
How do I accomplish my goal?