PriMoThemes — now s2Member® (official notice)
This is now a very OLD forum system. It's in READ-ONLY mode.
All community interaction now occurs at WP Sharks™. See: new forums @ WP Sharks™
$subject = 'Your subscription runs out soon';
$message1 = 'Hi ' . S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_FIRST_NAME . "\r\n" . 'Your subscription to My Site runs out tomorrow.'. "\r\n" . 'You need to update your subscription if you still want to read all the news.'. "\r\n\r\n" . 'Regards'. "\r\n" . 'My Site';
$message4 = 'Hi ' . S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_FIRST_NAME . "\r\n" . 'Your subscription to My Site runs out in 4 days.'. "\r\n" . 'You need to update your subscription if you still want to read all the news.'. "\r\n\r\n" . 'Regards'. "\r\n" . 'My Site';
if ($days = get_user_option('s2member_auto_eot_time')){
$days = ceil(($days - time()) / 86400);
if ($days == 1)
wp_mail($mailto, $subject, $message1);
elseif ($days == 4)
wp_mail($mailto, $subject, $message4);
This is currently top on our TODO list, please see: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=15597#p48792Lunarhorse wrote:Would it be possible to include this into the next update?
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