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if (!function_exists ("my_s2_pro_paypal_exp_co_button_locale"))
add_filter ("gettext_with_context", "my_s2_pro_paypal_exp_co_button_locale", 10, 3);
function my_s2_pro_paypal_exp_co_button_locale ($translated, $original, $context)
if ($context && $context === "s2member-front paypal-button-lang-code" && $original === "en_US")
/* See: <>. */
$translated = /* Use another/different PayPal locale that you prefer. */ "de_DE";
return $translated;
oxwald wrote:It works, thanks.
(in fact, the s2-hacks.php is not needed, and therefore creates an error). Only s2memeber-o.php needed
Best regards
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