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Auto-Renewals and PayPal

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Auto-Renewals and PayPal

Postby ridesabike2 » November 25th, 2011, 3:49 pm

Is it possible that a subscriber can sign up for a membership and not be required to have a PayPal account? It seems to me the renewal is driven by PayPal, but we'd like it to be also available via credit card without the PayPal requirement.

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Re: Auto-Renewals and PayPal

Postby Eduan » November 25th, 2011, 5:40 pm

If you have the Pro version of s2Member you can accept other credit cards and you can process payments with different services as well.
Now officially accepting Professional s2Member installations along with Bruce C (a.k.a. Ace).

If you're interested in a Professional s2Member Installation, or a Custom Coding Job, you can send your request here.
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Re: Auto-Renewals and PayPal

Postby ridesabike2 » November 25th, 2011, 6:11 pm

Just certain supported ones? We do have Pro. Thanks!
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Re: Auto-Renewals and PayPal

Postby Eduan » November 25th, 2011, 11:05 pm

I think the user can pay with the following, in the pro-forms which are only integrated for PayPal and only:
American Express,

and Solo.

You can have an account in the following but will only accept (I think) PayPal.
You can have an account in the following (PayPal and not included, list for PayPal and above):,
Google Checkout,

and ClickBank.

Hope this is not too confusing.
Now officially accepting Professional s2Member installations along with Bruce C (a.k.a. Ace).

If you're interested in a Professional s2Member Installation, or a Custom Coding Job, you can send your request here.
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