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Redirect from Paypal fails

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Redirect from Paypal fails

Postby percnet » November 25th, 2011, 11:47 pm

I figured I would post this as a new topic so it would get more visibility...we've tried the following in our Paypal button (which we have at Paypal...we're not using s2 paypal buttons):

The value that *would* be creatd if we were using S2 generated Paypal buttons would be, but that isn't working either.

We are desperate to get our site going. We keep on getting the "Unable to verify $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]." error upon successful payment to Paypal even though our Custom variable is set the same ( We cannot find any other documentation showing what could be causing this issue. Are there any logs anywhere that would tell us? Is there any other reason why this wouldn't work? Thank you in advance for your help.

Andre Garcia
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Re: Redirect from Paypal fails

Postby Cristián Lávaque » November 28th, 2011, 1:52 am

Check the "ideal server" thread and do the tests suggested, please. viewtopic.php?f=36&t=2636

There is a logging feature, yes. Enable logging, run more transactions and then go look for the logs to get the entries for those transactions. You can past here the entries related to the ones that give you that error, x'ing out any private info, please. WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal Options -> Account Details -> Enable Logging

I hope that helps. :)
Cristián Lávaque
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