Thanks Cristian. I am not sure if I understood you correctly but following is the current registration and membership process.
1.Prospective member fills in registration form with specific criteria and submits it online. Form includes fields for username and password he wants to use once registered. He receives an email stating that his registration process is beging evaluated.
2. Administration team receives copy of registration and evaluates prospective member.
2a. If he qualifies under specific criteria he is notified that he is now a member and can use the username and password he submitted with his application. Administration team has a platform online where prospective member is tagged as full member.
2b. If he does not qualify under specific criteria prospective member is instructed to go to paypal page where he subscribers for a year for a nominal fee. Once payment is done adminstration team receives notification from paypal and thus administration team via the online platform tags him as a full member and informs him that he can now use the login and password provided.
Now with the above information you know exactly the process. Do I need the pro version for this? does S2Member plugin provides me with these options? Do not want to pay for something which is not included, if you understand
Still thanks beforehand for your attention