Hi Jason
I've installed S2Member plugin on a brand new website with the same theme I've been struggling on my other sites. There is only WP 3.2.1 and S2Members plugin installed - nothing else has never been installed.
Website is here:
http://www.iphonemechanic.co.ukI've enabled member plugin, configured to protect ALL posts, no pages are protected. There are 2 pages on the Menu - DVD Labelz and TV Labelz. DVD Labelz is assigned as a Static homepage on WP Settings - Reading. I have assigned 1 post per page to get the pagenavi up with limited posts.
When on Homepage, there is pagenavi on the bottom of the page. Click on Page 2, shows that it's gonna go to:
http://www.iphonemechanic.co.uk/page/2/ but instead takes you to
http://www.iphonemechanic.co.uk/2/ which means 404 error.
But if you are on TV Labelz which isn't the home page it works perfect, clicking on Page 2 takes you to page 2.
If plugin is disabled Homepage works perfectly.
Any help would be really appreaciated.
P.S. Your previous questions:
Do you have any URI Restrictions configured on either of these sites?
See: Dashboard -> s2Member -> Restriction Options -> URI Restrictions. - Answer is NO
If not, what other Restriction Options have you configured. Screenshots would be great, if possible.
Do you have s2Member -> Restriction Options -> Alternative View Restrictions enabled? - Answer - Only restriction is ALL on Posts, nothing else is protected at all.
Thanks a lot