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Optimizepress and aweber integration WITHOUT Paypal

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Optimizepress and aweber integration WITHOUT Paypal

Postby ironjoe » December 12th, 2011, 10:12 am

I am initially setting up a free membership site but with required opt-in to get it. I have OP, and aweber. I created a Members Options page that has a standard squeeze page with my aweber form. When I subscribe from the Squeeze Page I don’t get anything except for the standard aweber confirm email. I’d like to get either an account and password sent to member, or a page asking to assign a password. I successfully configured the S2Members mail parser (tested it by going to the register page on my WP and it successfully sent email to aweber for subscription (though I have to turn on free subscription to allow registration). I’ve looked throughout this forum trying to find a step by step method of not using paypal and just using optin subscriptions to allow access. Can anyone provide the missing steps?
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Re: Optimizepress and aweber integration WITHOUT Paypal

Postby ironjoe » December 13th, 2011, 9:43 am

hmm, I thought someone would say, "you noob, here is how you do it...." :-) At the risk of breaking protocol I thought I would add to my post here in case someone doesn't understand what I am asking.

I get in all the time to membership sites by signing up under an autoresponder shaped squeeze pages. Currently, if I allow people to the Registration page in WordPress, then S2 sends email to aweber which allows a subscription which means the parsing script is working. The whole reason is I want to know who accesses my membership site and have them in my auto responder and I want the person to go through as little as possible so it can be done. I imagine a user putting in their info in a SqueezePage, and OptimizePress telling them after doing this that they will be getting access to the system by email. Then my email comes from aweber telling them to confirm their need to access our membership site and after clicking that it takes them to my site again to a place to register their account or an email is sent to the user with the correct access and password for their account. Not doable?
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Re: Optimizepress and aweber integration WITHOUT Paypal

Postby Cristián Lávaque » December 15th, 2011, 3:52 am

Hi Joe.

Well, if the user is opting in to your AWeber list directly and you want them to register after confirming, the page you choose for AWeber to tell the user he confirmed successfully, could have a link to the registration page.

Now, if you prefer it, you can have s2Member integrated with AWeber and have the user register directly, which would add him to the list you configured. WP Admin -> s2Member -> API / List Servers -> AWeber

Am I answering your question or did I miss it?

I hope that helps.
Cristián Lávaque
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