I'm simply trying to use a Subscription Modification Button, to allow Free Subscribers (level #0, which also means that I have enabled Open Registration) to upgrade to being "level #1" members.
I logged in as a Free Subscriber (and with s2Member's conditionals made sure I'm logged in and at level #0) and pressed that button to hopefully upgrade to level #1. I was directed to PayPal, finished the checkout there, but then was redirected to the REGISTRATION page to create a new username!

In other words, it behaved like a normal "Subscribe" button and not a "Modification" button.

The original user remained a Free Subscriber (and the new user I created indeed got the level #1 access, but this doesn't interest me because I was interested in MODIFYING the original user's level!).
Please help! I've been searching the internet for hours and hours with no success.
I should also mention that:
1) I am using PayPal sandbox. Still didn't try that modification button outside a sandbox environment.
2) The button shortcode didn't work -- it drew a button, but then PayPal complained that "Sorry — your last action could not be completed" and showed "Message 3005" error messages in many languages.
3) Instead of the shortcode, I copied the HTML, and HAD TO REMOVE THE COMMENT LINES from it in order to make it finally "work" -- that is, to be able to finish the PayPal transaction (all in sandbox, as mentioned above).