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JW Player Playlist

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

JW Player Playlist

Postby luckysarea » November 16th, 2011, 3:59 pm

I am using the following shortcode to play protected video using JW player
Code: Select all
[jwplayer config="myplayer" file="" image=""]

How can i use a playlist? Assuming that i have the following videos: ... /video.mp4 ... video1.mp4 ... video2.mp4
Thanks in advance.
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Re: JW Player Playlist

Postby luckysarea » November 17th, 2011, 11:48 am

I have tried to use the JW Player playlist manager (which appears when i click "add video" above the editor in WordPress.)
The JW Player Playlist Manager automatically inserts the following code in my page
[jwplayer config="myplayer" playlistid="176"]
Now when i try to run the video (as an administrator) it says "video not found or access denied"
What am i doing wrong?
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Re: JW Player Playlist

Postby Jason Caldwell » November 21st, 2011, 12:30 am

Thanks for your inquiry.
This is something that you may want to contact Longtail about. In the mean time, I would make sure that your playlist is populated with external files, via the URLs configured for access via s2Member.

First you create a Playlist via the JW Player plugin, using external video sources, with URLs like:
Code: Select all
Then you should have a Shortcode like this:
Code: Select all
[jwplayer playlistid="176"]
If problems persist, please reply back with some screenshots so we can see more of what your configuration looks like please. In some cases, the query string variables may cause an issue in the video URLs ( some player configurations have trouble with query strings ). You'll have better success with video players when you use s2Member's Advanced Mod Rewrite Linkage. Examples and documentation on this are provided in your Dashboard: s2Member -> Download Options -> Advanced Mod Rewrite Linkage.
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Re: JW Player Playlist

Postby luckysarea » November 21st, 2011, 7:38 am

Hi Jason,
Thank you for looking into this. I am providing the relevant screenshot for you to have a look.


Is there anything wrong i am doing.. tried the Advanced Mod Rewrite also, didn't work.
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Re: JW Player Playlist

Postby luckysarea » November 21st, 2011, 8:00 am

I am logged in as an administrator and have access to all custom capabilities. :)
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Re: JW Player Playlist

Postby Jason Caldwell » November 21st, 2011, 2:59 pm

luckysarea wrote:Hi,
I am using the following shortcode to play protected video using JW player
Code: Select all
[jwplayer config="myplayer" file="" image=""]

How can i use a playlist? Assuming that i have the following videos: ... /video.mp4 ... video1.mp4 ... video2.mp4
Thanks in advance.

I just noticed that your URLs contain:
( incorrect, please see below )

This should be:
Code: Select all
Or, using Advanced Mod Rewrite Linkage, like this:
Code: Select all

Of course, based on the way it appears you're protecting files, you might actually have one of these:
Code: Select all
* And your protected video(s) should be in this location on the server:
( for the benefit of other readers, see: s2Member -> API Scripting -> Custom Capability Files )

I've tested this against the JW Player plugin for WordPress and I can confirm that it works with Advanced Mod Rewrite Linkage. However, here are some things to keep an eye on.

1. It seems the JW Player plugin's implementation of Playlists for WordPress has some minor bugs when adding/removing items. A couple times I had to completely delete the Playlist, create another with External Media Sources, and re-insert the Shortcode with a new ID into my Post/Page.

2. Be sure that you stick with s2Member's Advanced Mod Rewrite Linkage. Video players ( depending upon how they have been integrated ), may not like the query string variables in your video URL, i.e. ?s2member_file_download= can be avoided using s2Member's Advanced Mod Rewrite Linkage, as discussed in your Dashboard, under: s2Member -> Download Options -> Advanced Mod Rewrite Linkage.

If problems persist, please let us know and we'll take this a step further for you. In either case, I look forward to hearing back from you on this topic. Thank you!
~ Jason Caldwell / Lead Developer
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Re: JW Player Playlist

Postby merchant » January 7th, 2012, 11:16 pm

Hi Jason,
I am using JWPlayer plugin and am trying to create
1. Player embedded video from the s2Member protected directory to be shown on any page
2. Once successful with that I would like to create a playlist.

I have :
1. allowed mp4 files to be inline files
2. tried all the options above
keep getting errors (see attachments)

Part 1 - the code

Part 2 - screen shots
InlineStreaming2.tiff (28.29 KiB) Viewed 1268 times

What am I not doing correct?
My WordPress is within a subdirectory called s2t
hence it is at

Any help you can provide will be appreciated.
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Re: JW Player Playlist

Postby luckysarea » January 8th, 2012, 12:26 am

Its been a few months now and i couldn't get the playlist thing to work. Any help will be really appreciated.
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Re: JW Player Playlist

Postby merchant » January 8th, 2012, 1:24 am

i am not able to get even a video working much less the playlist, any help would be appreciated.
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Re: JW Player Playlist

Postby luckysarea » January 8th, 2012, 3:20 am

Here is what i do to get the video.
[jwplayer config="myplayer" file="" image=""]
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Re: JW Player Playlist

Postby merchant » January 8th, 2012, 11:22 am

Hi Luckysarea,
You do live upto your name !! Thanks to your little code snippet above, I got everything to work including the playlist.
What you need to do is take just the http ... eofile.mp4
and put this url in the external media and the same you would do for the image ... tFrame.png

Create all your files using the external media option and putting the url there and in the next screen the descriptions and url to the thumbnail.
Once you are done loading the URL's this way,
go to the playlist option and create a new playlist and add / select the videos you want in the playlist and hit save and then insert the playlist into your page/post
This should work.
No need for any kind of custom capability or "&" ampersands etc;
If you still are having issues let me know and I will create a small video showing how to do this ( I owe you one for your helpful post in case you do not get it to work)
Good luck and thank you once again for posting the snippet.
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Re: JW Player Playlist

Postby luckysarea » January 9th, 2012, 2:57 am

Hi Merchant,
I am glad that you got it working. I'll try your piece of advice and get back to you.
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Re: JW Player Playlist

Postby merchant » January 11th, 2012, 5:45 am

Jason et all,
One more question. I have a premium video (level2) on the landing page and when the general public comes and tries to click it just gives them an error stating access denied etc etc.
Is there any way they can be redirected to the membership options page or in the alternative we can customize the error message that gets displayed on the video?
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Re: JW Player Playlist

Postby Cristián Lávaque » January 12th, 2012, 6:32 am

merchant, do you have the video linked to directly or is it loaded by an embedded player? If the former, then it should send the person to the Membership Options page, if the latter then there won't be a redirection because the player is trying to load it, not the visitor.

What you could do for the player, is use a conditional that checks the level and give the player if he has the right access for the file, or give a screenshot of the player (i.e. just an image) linked to the Membership Options Page.

I hope that makes sense. :)
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Re: JW Player Playlist

Postby merchant » January 12th, 2012, 5:15 pm

Hi Cristián,
Yes makes sense. Ok will do.
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Re: JW Player Playlist

Postby merchant » January 12th, 2012, 5:15 pm

Hi Cristián,
Yes makes sense. Ok will do. thanks
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