PriMoThemes — now s2Member® (official notice)
This is now a very OLD forum system. It's in READ-ONLY mode.
All community interaction now occurs at WP Sharks™. See: new forums @ WP Sharks™
All billing history, payment terms, and other financial details are stored in your payment gateway, and NOT within WordPress®. This is intentional, not a shortcoming. Your WordPress installation controls the customer's site access, your payment gateway controls the customer's financial and billing details. s2Member's job is to communicate with, and to receive communications from your payment gateway, so that site-access is revoked at the correct point in time, for the correct reasons.fxbootcamp wrote:I don't seem to have paid member details, such as billing address. Nor does there seem to be much membership details, such as billing terms, payment history, etc. Woudn't this info be pulled in when they sign up via paypal?
You can search your existing Users/Members within your Dashboard by going to: Dashboard -> Users -> Search. You can also edit existing Users from this panel as well, including all membership details, and even some low-level details that s2Member retains for future communication with your payment gateway, such as the Paid Subscr. ID and gateway code.Searching for a paid user and accessing their contact / membership details seems impossible. On the user's side, there seems to be no self management system either. These are major short comings of S2 that I hope get addresses, as the functionality with Wordpress/Buddy press is fantastic.
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