I'm offering free registration to view MOST of the pages/posts on my site. When users try to view a non-premium post, they see the first few paragraphs of the post, and are then prompted to register. What I'd REALLY like to have happen is for them to register and then, instead of seeing a login welcome page, I'd like them to go directly to the post they were originally trying to view. NarrativeMagazine.com does exactly this.
I've tried this code:
<a href="http://mysite.com/wp-login.php?action=register?redirect_to=http://mysite.com/">register</a> now
To redirect to the front page, but can't get this to work.
Is this possible with the free version of S2 Member? Is it possible with the pro version? (I'd pay the $70 for this feature alone!).