We currently have members subscribed to a monthly plan using Paypal for offsite checkout. We now want to switch to Paypal Pro for all future subscriptions. Below are questions surrounding this upgrade to make sure that we are not getting any surprises in this transition.
1. Do we need a unique Paypal Pro account for gapzip.com and membersgapzip.com or can one account server both urls?
2. If we are currently on Paypal and switch to Paypal Pro, will our current payment buttons that are geared towards a regular paypal account still work with the Paypal Pro account? In other words can you do offsite as well as onsite processing?
3. If we move to paypal pro, does it impact any of the existing accounts as they are currently setup with the standard Paypal setup?
4. With s2 member, can we use a virtual terminal to add a member manually? Is there a way to enter a user's credit card and information to create a new subscription or does the user need to use the new button for enrollment that we will create with Paypal Pro?